About The Department
Pharmacognosy is the branch of pharmaceutical sciences that focuses on the study of crude
drugs or natural products derived from plants, animals, minerals and microorganisms, and
their application in medicine.
- More than 50 papers and posters in different journals and conferences of National and
International reputes.
- Published different books on the subject Pharmacognosy, Remedial Biology and Pharma
competitive exams.
- Faculty is in the exam panel of RUHS and other private universities.
- Identification and Standardization of crude drugs: Using differenet types of evaluation
study viz. macroscopy, microscopy, physical and chemical evaluation.
- Use of modern methods of microscopy, extraction, isolation and chromatography.
- Crude drug profiles of more than 100 medicinal plants displayed in lab., Available all
crude drugs mentioned in syllabus.
The department has following well- equipped laboratories that offer more that the prescribed
practical needs as per RUHS Curricilum :
S.No |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Prof.Rajesh Kumar |
Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacognosy |
2. |
Dr Payal Rani |
Associate Professor |
3. |
Mr. Shobit |
Lecturer |
- Microphotography for microscopical features of crude drugs.
- Available all crude drugs mentioned in syllabus.
- Education through charts, album and models.
- Crude drug profiles of 100 drugs.
- TLC, preparative TLC & paper Chromatography.
- Different types of extractors.
- Rotary Vacuum Evaporator, Isolation of pure compounds and extractions.
- More than 100 crude drugs procured from different regions of India.
- CCD camera, camera Lucida for studies of microscopic parameters.
- Standardization of herbal drugs.
Herbal Garden
- More than 100 well labeled medicinal plants grown
- Well decorated with flowers.
Herbarium Cum Museum
- 80 crude drugs, 50 plant specimens, photographs of medicinal plants, Medical plant
album, 50 crude drug profiles.
- Display of different dosage forms & cosmetics
- Display of packaging materials
- Cultivation of aromatic & medicinal plants.
- Extraction& Isolation of oils from aromatic plants.